Nationwide Awareness Campaign for POSOPSI: Promoting Equal Rights and Mental Health

Nationwide Awareness Campaign for POSOPSI: Promoting Equal Rights and Mental Health

As part of our collaboration with the Panhellenic Federation of Associations and Organizations for Mental Health (POSOPSI), we carried out a nationwide awareness campaign on the occasion of World Mental Health Day, October 10, 2024.

The campaign aimed to highlight the urgent need for equal treatment and support for individuals with mental disorders and their families. The message of dignity, tolerance, and solidarity was communicated through posts, interviews on radio and TV shows, and collaborations with media outlets across the country.

Through this campaign, we strengthened POSOPSI’s vision for a society that accepts individuals with mental disorders as equal members, free from stigma and exclusion. The actions also included mobilizing to raise awareness among relevant government authorities, including the President of the Republic, with the goal of committing to solving the chronic problems in the field of mental health